Worshop 2024

From 04 April 2024 to 01 October 2024

The Foot-and-mouth disease 

joint annual Workshop of 2024

was a complete success.



Many thanks to all the participants




The EURL Team


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It has been an honor to welcome our European colleagues in ANSES for the 2024 workshop.

The entire team wants to thank all the participants for their presence and support.

Presentations and pictures of the event are available here:

Presentations - 2024

Photos - 2024 workshop (expire on the )

Certificates (expire on the )

Hoping you enjoyed your stay with us, please take the time to fill the survey and provide your feedback :

2024 WS Satisfaction inquiry


Thank you again, wishing to see you again next year!

Reimbursement procedure

BEFORE the WORKSHOP Please send by e-mail the Financial Identification Form as well as your bank account details to adm.eurl-fmd@anses.fr for FMD participants .

DURING the WORKSHOP we will collect the ORIGINAL Financial Identification Form filled out, as well as your electronic tickets and boarding pass/train ticket

AFTER the WORKSHOP, Please send the ORIGINAL boarding pass/train ticket for reimbursement in a 2-weeks delay after the workshop at :

ANSES - Laboratoire de Santé Animale - Aude-Marie Renaud-Kasprzack - ACI-BAC-004 14, rue Pierre et Marie Curie – 94701 Maisons-Alfort cedex.

An envelop will be available for this purpose in your participant's folder. Reimbursement will only be processed once all proofs of expenditure are sent by post.