Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the EURL ?

The Virology Unit of ANSES Animal Health Laboratory, Maisons-Alfort, France, and the Service for Exotic Viruses and Particular Diseases of the federal research centre Sciensano, Uccle, Belgium, are in charge of the FMD EURL activities. They conduct their activities in accordance with and under quality assurance and are accredited according to the EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard. They comply strictly with all the International, European and National regulations and legislations regarding Biosafety, Biosecurity, Health and Safety and Animal Welfare.

What are the EURL missions?

The functions and duties of the EURL for FMD are laid down in Annex XVI of Directive 2003/85/EC :

  1. To ensure liaison between the national laboratories of the Member States and to provide optimal methods for the diagnosis of foot-and-mouth disease in livestock, and differential diagnosis of other vesicular viral diseases, where necessary, for each Member State.
  2. To support the functions of National Laboratories
  3. To provide information and carry out further training

How to contact the EURL ?

On the home page, click on the “contact” button.

How can I register for training ?

Click on the training menu. Click on the link : “ Registration to the next training” and complete the training request form. Once completed, this request is forwarded to the EURL team who will process your application.

How do I register for the PT?

Registration for the PT takes place on the Leila website. When the EURL team issues the invitation, you can go to the site and follow the procedure. Tutorials are available for more information.

Profency test website :

Subscribe to a Profency Test :

How do I register for the workshop ?

Registration is carried out on the EURL website. Go to the " PT/Workshop " tab, then click on the Wokshop sub-menu. On this page you will find a link to a registration form. Fill it out and submit your application. The EURL team will process your application.

Where can I find the PT report?

PT reports can be found directly on the Leila website. You can also find the report on the LRUE site. To find the PT reports, go to the "PT/Workshop" menu and select "Workshop". Select the year you are looking for. On this page, click on the "download report" button to access it.

Where can I find the Workshop report ?

To find the workshop reports, go to the “PT / Workshop” menu and select “Workshop”. Select the year you are looking for. In this page, click on the “Workshop report” link to access it.

Who are the members of the network?

You will find the member countries of the network in the “Presentation” menu, in the laboratory network members submenu.

Where can I find FMDV information ?

You can find information about the disease  in the “FMD information” menu and information on the epidemiology in the "FMD Situation" menu.

How do I request an analysis?

You can request an analysis by going to the "Analysis Request" menu. You will find the procedure there, as well as a document to complete and return to fulfill your request.

How to make a request for reference materials?

For all requests for reference reagents, please contact