European Union Reference Laboratory for
Foot-and-Mouth disease

The Virology Unit of ANSES Animal Health Laboratory, Maisons-Alfort, France, and the Service for Exotic and vector-borne diseases of the federal research centre Sciensano, Uccle, Belgium, are in charge of the FMD EURL activities. They have a long experience of collaboration on various viral diseases (FMD, Bluetongue, West Nile, etc.) and they have been partners in many research projects. They have extensive experiences in the diagnosis of major diseases, even in emergency situation, such as Foot-and-mouth Disease, Lumpy Skin Disease, Bluetongue, West Nile, African Horse Sickness, etc. and are fully aware of the roles and duties they have to fulfil for the national and European authorities. They conduct their activities in accordance with and under quality assurance and are accredited according to the EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard. They comply strictly with all the International, European and National regulations and legislations regarding Biosafety, Biosecurity, Health and Safety and Animal Welfare.
The Biology of Picornaviruses Team (BioPic) of the virology unit is in charge of the National Reference Laboratory mandates for Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), Swine Vesicular Disease (SVD) and Vesicular Stomatitis disease (VS). For foot-and-mouth disease the team also ensures the WOAH reference laboratory, the FAO reference center and the EU reference laboratory mandates. The team contributes to the prevention of these diseases by providing emergency reference diagnostic services for detection, identification and characterization of these viruses in case of suspicions and outbreaks. The team also provides expertise, consultation and training at national and international levels. To provide quality diagnostic services the team leads its activities under quality assurance and is accredited according to ISO17025. The team reference activities are supported by applied and fundamental research in the fields of a) host/pathogen interaction, b) diagnosis, c) molecular epidemiology and d) vaccine.
The service for Exotic viruses and vector-borne diseases of Sciensano serves as an NRL for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), swine vesicular disease, vesicular stomatitis, bluetongue, sheep and goat pox, lumpy skin disease, and Rift Valley fever. The Service is recognised as an WOAH Collaborating Centre for validation, quality assessment and quality control of diagnostic assays and vaccine testing for vesicular diseases in Europe, and as a FAO Reference Centre for vesicular diseases. Since 1st January 2017, the Service is the European Reference Laboratory for diseases caused by capripox viruses (lumpy skin disease, sheep pox, goat pox viruses). The Service has over 20 years of experience and expertise in international standardisation, techniques and practices in the field of vesicular and exotic animal diseases striving for the harmonisation of international surveillance and control of animal diseases.