News list

Training LRUE March 2024
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As part of the EURL for FMD work program, the BIOPIC team welcomed four trainees for a two-week training session (March 11 to 22, 2024) in the emergency diagnosis of FMD (reception of samples, viral isolation, serological analyses, detection of the viral genome, typing and sequencing of the genome and analysis of results). The course was led by Aurore Romey and Guillaume Girault. The trainees came from Austria, Croatia, Greece and Slovakia. The course enabled them to deepen their knowledge of diagnostic methods and to discover methods not yet deployed in their laboratories. The many constructive exchanges will enable trainees to implement the methods presented to better combat this disease.
Key dates
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Call for abstract: October 7th to January 07th, 2025 Communication of decision: January 15th, 2025 Registration will open on November 1st, 2024
Call for abstracts
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Abstract must be prepared using the template form and  sent to before January 07th, 2025. The maximum duration of the oral presentations is 20 min (ideally 15 minutes of speech and 5 minutes for the questions). The format of the PPT presentations must be "big screen" (16:9). The dimension of the posters is ~ A0 (120 cm × 85 cm). All the necessary materials to fix the poster(s) on the board will be available on site.  
Welcome Isabel !
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  We're thrilled to welcome Isabel BASTARDO-FERNANDEZ to the Trace Elements and Nanomaterial Team (ANSES).   Isabel joined us this week as the new postdoc of our team. She will be responsible for the assessment of food safety in relation to inorganic contaminants in the 3 value chains addressed in the project (seafood, potatoes and oilseeds). Using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), she will evaluate the presence of up to 20 different metal isotopes (including toxic trace metals such as Pb, Cd, Hg and As) in all types of samples (side streams, ingredients and novel food concepts). For samples containing Hg and As, Isabel will develop and validate matrix-specific methods using HPLC coupled to ICP-MS for speciation analysis in order to identify the most toxic forms of these elements (mainly Hg2+, CH3Hg+, As(III) and As(V)), typically present in seafood. Since Isabel already completed her PhD in our team, we are confident she will be doing the best job for this project.   Welcome Isabel in the Up4Food team ! 
2023 - Report - Reviews of the analysis related to rabies diagnosis and follow-up of oral vaccination performed in NRLs in 2023
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Review of rabies analysis oral route diagnosis and follow-up vaccination carried out in the NRLs in 2023 is now available on the website (under restricted access)!  
Save the date! Workshop for Rabies 2025 
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The EURL for Rabies is glad to announce that the next Workshop will held the 10 and 11 June 2025 in Maison-Alfort, France, a municipality in the suburbs of Paris. Please take note that this Workshop dedicated to NRL will be held on site only. The meeting place will be located at ANSES headquarters. Save the Date in your agendas!  
National Reference Centres and Supporting Bodies Meeting 2024
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On 17 September the four EURCAWs hosted an online meeting with National Reference Centres (NRCs) for Animal Welfare and the Supporting Bodies (SBs) of Competent Authorities. Over 50 people attended the meeting, with representation from across EU Member States. The meeting started with presentations from the EURCAWs, including an introduction to EURCAW Aqua (designated in January 2024), two NRCs and one SB. As the aim of the meeting is to explore ways to collaborate, workshops and interactive sessions were also used.   The first workshop session considered a theme relevant to all EURCAWs: “Approval and assessment of stunning equipment” and was presented by Dr Virginie Michel. ​The aim of the workshop was to have a better understanding about the needs of MSs and the type of work that the EURCAWs can provide on this topic.​ Council Regulation No. 1099/2009 states that “Products marketed or advertised as restraining or stunning equipment shall only be sold when accompanied by appropriate instructions concerning their use in a manner which ensures optimal conditions for the welfare of animals. Those instructions shall also be made publicly available by the manufacturers via the Internet”.​ However, some Member States have raised issues about new equipment being installed, for which proof of efficiency has not been made available. Polling tools were used to request feedback from NRCs and SBs and inform the workshop discussion.   After a short break, attendees were divided into EURCAW- specific workshops. The themes were: Managing larger litter sizes (EURCAW Pigs)​ Good practices (farm/transport/slaughter) (EURCAW Poultry-SFA)​ Emergency killing (EURCAW Ruminants & Equines)   The meeting finished with a wrap-up session including a summary of key points from the EURCAW-specific workshops. The meeting short report is availalble here. 
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Registration Type Early Fee Until 15th February 2025 Late Fee 15th February to 15th March 2025 Regular registration 350 € 450 € Student registration 250 € 350 € For Student registrations, a valid proof of status should be presented. You have to send it with the registration form to the address: Registration fee includes: Access to all scientific sessions Access to the exhibition & poster area Welcome Reception Coffee Break and Lunch at the Conference Venue Free access to the social event Terms and Conditions Registrations can only be submitted and paid through the registration form & payement form.  A confirmation email will be sent to all validated registrations. The registrations will be performed only online. The registration fees do not include insurance of participants against accidents, sickness, cancellation, theft, property loss or damage. Participants are advised to take out adequate personal insurance. Registration implies acceptance of the congress rules and its conditions of participation and cancellation. The Organizers of the FBTIS symposium reserve the right to limit the capacity of the in-person Conference due to the need to ensure the health and safety of attendees, in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization, Health (WHO) and local Health Authorities, at the time of the Conference. Conference registration is personal and non-transferable. Cancellations will not be entitled to a refund excepted in specific and fully justified cases. Check that all the information necessary for reimbursement by your employer is available in the registration form    
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The Centre is celebrating the publication of its sixth scientific article as a result of the work carried out in Activity 2 in 2023.  A review of the technical and scientific literature on existing methods for assessing walking ability in broilers was conducted, and the reliability, validity and feasibility of the different methods were assessed when relevant information was available. This review named " Overview of the various methods used to assess walking ability in broiler chickens" has been published in Veterinary Record and is available here.
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CIR 2024/2052 amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/808
