Organized by EURCAW-Poultry-SFA.
The webinar was held via Teams.
Target audience: Official inspectors from the Competent Authorities of the EU MSs
Attendance through invitation only.
The PDF of the presentation is available here.
The webinar recording is available here.
Directive 98/58/EC concerning the protection of animals kept for farming purposes requires that Member States ensure that animals are kept under conditions respecting their physiological and ethological needs. Several indicators could be used to assess the welfare of turkeys on farms and will be presented during this webinar.
The aim of the webinar is to review the most valid and feasible indicators and their methods of assessment, with a focus on Animal Based Indicators.
The webinar was attended by 138 people (189 registered), from 17 EU Member States:
Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, The Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and Sweden.
10:00-10:15: Introduction and presentation of the Center – L.Vinco
10:15-11:00: Presentation of the assessment of welfare in turkeys on-farm using the most relevant indicators and their methods – F. Mocz, L.Vinco.
11:00-12:00: Questions/Discussion with the audience
This webinar has been organized within the sub-activity 4.2: Develop course material for specific topics, of the working program 2023-2024.
Monitoring Rabies in Media dashboard has been developed by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) to monitor open source Media for news articles related to rabies. It presents the spatiotemporal distribution of news articles published worldwide, it classifies the articles by source and target country, it detects alerts when the number of publications is increasing unexpectedly and it provides access to the webpages of the original articles. The users can detect trends and may identify potential threats which should be interpreted in the context of the epidemiological situation.
The link to access the tool: :
The 15th edition of the Workshop for Rabies took place in Vienna, Austria, on 5 and 6 June 2024. This year, the event was organized in hybrid format with 48 physical and 28 online attendances.
It was with pleasure that everyone gathered to meet and discuss the latest news about rabies in Europe and future projects. We thank AGES for co-organizing and hosting this event and all the participants, who brought this Workshop to life through their various presentations.
The presentations given during the workshop have been uploaded into the EURL website (accessible only to network members). Finally, the EURL team would like to sincerely thank all the participants and all the people who contributed in one way or another to the organization of this wonderful event.
The Centre is proud of presenting you its latest infographic issued from a Q2E answer, realized in collaboration with La Chaire bien-être animal: for manual handling and carrying turkeys. A graphic tool for operators in the field for improved turkey welfare !
The document is available here.
Please save the dates!
Two workshops are organized this year on Equine arteritis virus and Glanders/Melioïdosis.
The workshops will be held at the International Center of Deauville – Congress Center, 1 av. Lucien Barrière – 14800 DEAUVILLE (Normandy, France) as follows:
- Monday September 30 , 2024: Equine Arteritis
- Friday October 4, 2024: Glanders – Melioïdosis
This year the 2 workshops are organized in conjunction with the International Equine Infectious Diseases Conference (IEIDC 2024)
The hybrid mode in-person / virtual attendance will be offered.
Please register via the following link before June 30 if you want to attend the meeting:
We look forward to seeing all.
The EURL Team
Welcome to The Kick off meeting of the Up4Food project
== 26th of April 2024 ==
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Kalvskinnet, Sverres gate 12, Trondheim, Norway
Our recent article published in Chemosphere makes some noise...
Here the link to the article:
And another link to a podcast made by France Inter on our work.
Registration before the 26th July 2024 to the PT nitrofuran residues in casings on the website Progetto Trieste (mandatory for all NRL in charge of nitrofuran control).
In order to ensure the reliability of the analyses carried out by our network of laboratories, our reference laboratory for Brucellosis is currently undertaking an inter-laboratory proficiency testing to assess the effectiveness of bovine milk serological methods.
All details and provisional agenda can be found on our ANSES platform (LEILA) -->
Deadline for registration = 1rst March, 2024
If you need more information, please contact us at !
#brucellosis #ILPT #cattle #serology #milk