LRUE Fièvre Aphteuse

Background type: 
Intro [EN]: 

The European Union Reference Laboratory organises Proficiency Tests (PTs) on detection and typing of Foot-and-Mouth disease virus in accordance with the Regulation (EU) No 2017/625.

PT panels for FMDV and SVDV detection are established for virus isolation, RT-PCR, Antigen-ELISA and VP1 sequencing. PT panels for FMD antibody detection are established for FMDV NSP antibodies, FMDV SP antibodies and SVDV antibodies detection by ELISAs or/and virus neutralisation test.

The proficiency test (PT) for FMD virus and SVD virus and antibody detection is organised annually. All EU national reference laboratories (NRLs) and other official laboratories of the network are invited to participate.

Intro [EN]: 

The European Union Reference Laboratory yearly organizes a workshop, especially intended for the EU national reference laboratories (NRLs) and other official laboratories of the network.

The purpose of these workshops is to inform the participants about the activities of the EURL, to present and discuss the results of the PT, to present and discuss scientific research projects and to exchange information on EU legislation, methods and other relevant subjects.


 Registration to the next workshop

Intro [EN]: 

The EURL for FMD, among other missions, gathers data and information on the methods of diagnosis and differential diagnosis used in the different National Laboratories.

A list of methods inspired by the WOAH official methods is available on this website.

Intro [EN]: 

The EURL for FMD supports the functions of National Laboratories by storing and supplying reagents and materials for use in diagnosis of foot-and-mouth disease such as virus and/or inactivated antigens, standardised sera, cell lines and other reference reagents.

A list of reagents and material is available on this website.

Display Name: 
Foot-and-Mouth disease
Title [FR]: 
Title [EN]: 
Title [FR]: 
Réactifs disponibles et matériaux de référence
Title [EN]: 
Available reagents and reference materials
Methods Background: 
Materiau Background: 
Code AT Internet: 
Nom page d'accueil (AT): 
Accueil LRUE FA
Intro [EN]: 

The European Union Reference Laboratory organizes each year trainings specifically intended for the EU national reference laboratories (NRLs) and other official laboratories of the network.

The purpose of these sessions is to implement the further training of experts in laboratory diagnosis with the goal to harmonize the diagnostic techniques at the European and International levels.

Registration to the next training

WRL - The Pirbright Institute

List of Foot-and-mouth disease reagents available at the WRL the Pirbright Institute can be found here.

Outbreak of Foot-and-Mouth disease in Hungary

An outbreak of Foot-and-Mouth Disease has been reported in Hungary in domestic cattle. The outbreak is located in the North-west of the country in the administrative zone of Győr-Moson-Sopron. This is the second case in the EU in 2025 after the outbreak in Germany in January. Restriction zones have been set up around the outbreak. The identification of the serotype is pending.

For more information:

rtRT-PCR for the detection of O/ME-SA/SA-2018 FMDV

This real-time RT-PCR is a molecular tool for detection of Foot-and-mouth disease virus lineage O/ME-SA/SA-2018, as it is an emerging lineage in South Asia since 2018.

rtRT-PCR for the detection of O/ME-SA/SA-2018 FMDV

This real-time RT-PCR is a molecular tool for detection of Foot-and-mouth disease virus lineage O/ME-SA/SA-2018, as it is an emerging lineage in South Asia since 2018. The assay has been tested on 34 FMDV positive samples (including 12 SA-2018 samples) with a specificity of 91,7% (11/12 SA-2018 samples detected). The primers and probes are indicated hereafter, and the protocol is in the document attached: 


rtRT-PCR for the detection of O/ME-SA/SA-2018 FMDV

This real-time RT-PCR is a molecular tool for detection of Foot-and-mouth disease virus lineage O/ME-SA/SA-2018, as it is an emerging lineage in South Asia since 2018. The assay has been tested on 34 FMDV positive samples (including 12 SA-2018 samples) with a specificity of 91,7% (11/12 SA-2018 samples detected). The primers and probes are indicated hereafter: 

Oligo name

(final concentration)

Sequence (5’-3’)


SA2018_F3 (0.4 μM)


Forward Primer

SA2018_P3 (0.3 μM)



SA2018_Rev2 (0.4 μM)


Reverse Primer

The SA-2018 has been validated using Ag-Path kit in a duplex system with β-actin, and following the volumes and concentrations as follow (5 µl of RNA): 


Volume (µl) 



For one tube 



Ultrapure water (DNase RNase Free) 


Buffer 2X (kit AgPath-ID™) 


Primer F 




Primer R 









Primer F β-actine 




Primer R β-actine 




Probe VIC-TAMRA β-actine 




RT-PCR mix 25X (Enzyme) 


Real-time PCR program: 

Cycles of RTq-PCR 



nb cycles 











 NB: This system has been validated on a small number of samples and should therefore be tested against other samples from this lineage. 



Outbreak of Foot-and-Mouth disease in Germany

An outbreak of Foot-and-Mouth Disease has been reported in Germany in water buffaloes. The outbreak is located in the Brandenburg region, close to Berlin (first reports of this disease in Germany since 1988). This is the first case in the EU since 2011 in Bulgaria. According to the regional authorities, three water buffaloes are confirmed as infected. Restriction zones have been set up around the outbreak. The identification of the serotype is pending.

For more information: ;

Workshop on risk information for early detection and control of foot-and-mouth disease and vaccine availability in North Africa/Near East

Mission in Azerbaijan

As part of its WOAH and FAO mandates, the EURL for FMD took part in the Regional Advisory Group (RAG) meeting dedicated to Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR). The meeting, organized by WOAH and FAO, took place from July 2 to 4, 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Several delegations took part in the meeting (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Russia), as did WOAH and FAO officials associated with the region, and the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD). The EURL was represented by Guillaume Girault, project leader in the Biopic team, who presented recent foot and mouth disease events and outbreaks observed around the world, with a particular focus on outbreaks detected in Western Eurasia in recent years. Numerous exchanges took place concerning the two diseases covered by this meeting. A field simulation exercise was also carried out by the Azeri veterinary services, with the deployment of mobile laboratories, surveillance of wildlife using drones, and the setting up of a crisis unit. The participation of the Foot and Mouth Disease EURL at this meeting enabled contacts to be established with several colleagues from other countries, opening the door to potential future collaborations.

EuFMD June 2024 Webinar

On June 11, 2024, the EURL for FMD organized a webinar with EuFMD on the Emergency diagnosis: interpretation of FMD tests results. Fifteen participants from 15 different countries we invited fr this 4 hours webinar. Labib Bakkali Kassimi (EURL Director) presented the EURL activities and the FMD emergency diagnosis. Then, Aurore Romey and Guillaume Girault presented three different simulation exercises: the first one was dedicated to WOAH type laboratory (live virus) and with the presentation of almost all available methods to detect and characterize FMDV. The Mentimeter tool was used to ask questions to participants and analyze the answers in real time. Then, the second scenario was similar to the first one, again with the mentimeter tool for questions, but without so much help from EURL for the answers. Finally, the third scenario was dedicated to serological analyses. This webinar was highly appreciated by participants and will may be scheduled again in the future.

Hosting the Polish delegation april 2024

On Monday May 27, 2024, the Animal Health Laboratory and the JRU Virology/ BIOPIC team (NRL and RL OMSA-FAO-UE for Foot and Mouth Disease) welcomed an official delegation from Poland's PIWet National Veterinary Institute. The delegation, comprising Professors Stanislaw Winiarczyk (Director General), Miroslaw Polak (Deputy Director for Research) and Jacek Kuzmak (Retired since January 1, previously Deputy Director for Research), was received by Stephan Zientara (AHL Director) and part of the BIOPIC team, represented by Labib Bakkali Kassimi (Team Leader), Sandra Blaise-Boisseau (Deputy Team Leader) and Guillaume Girault (Project Leader). The LSAn's activities and those of the FMD theme were presented, as well as the operation of the ICube laboratory, dedicated to the handling and analysis of the FMD virus. Numerous fruitful exchanges followed, notably on the constitution and operation of the confined laboratory, but also on the overall operation of the FMD team and the national laboratory network. Professor Stanislaw Winiarczyk thanked Anses for their warm welcome and expressed his great satisfaction at the visit, which he hoped would serve as a basis for future collaboration between the two institutes.
