♦ 12 September 2017 ♦
A call for registration for the inter-laboratory test for tetracycline determination 2017 was sent in early September to National Reference Laboratory from European and bordering countries. Registration ends on 15 September. Each panel contains 6 half-jaws, including the canine, positive or negative jaws for tetracycline. The samples have to be cut and analysed by the laboratories who are then asked to provide the positive or negative status regarding tetracycline for each sample as well as the age category (Adult or Juvenile). An online technical questionnaire is also part of the test. Results are expected to be returned by 30 October 2017. A report on this trial should be issue beginning of year 2018.
♦ 11 September 2017 ♦
The results for the 2017 session of the inter-laboratory test for rabies serology have now all been received by the EURL for rabies serology. A total of 81 laboratories participated this year. Results and report will be communicated to the participating laboratories, as well as the European Commission and relevant authorities where necessary. This test is compulsory for the purposes of laboratories authorisations to carry out the serological tests to monitor the effectiveness of the anti-rabies vaccination. More information on https://ec.europa.eu/food/animals/pet-movement/approved-labs_en
♦ 27 August 2017 ♦
[Relayed from ec.europa.eu] “EU official control rules are a key element of the governance of the agri-food chain in Europe, which are recognised world-wide as an example of best practice. Those rules provide national enforcers and the Commission with the necessary powers to ensure effective enforcement of regulatory requirements, and with mechanisms that allow the full cooperation of all parties involved in ensuring the correct application of the law across national borders. The Official Controls Regulation also provides the Commission with audit and control powers in the Member States and Third Countries, and with the power to take action at EU level. The Official Controls Regulation (EU) 2017/625 addresses official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products (Official Controls Regulation - OCR). The new rules replace Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 on official controls and other legislation which currently governs the control and enforcement of rules along the agri-food chain.” New regulation is available here and on the eur-lex.europa.eu website.
♦ 05 September 2017 ♦
[Relayed from endrabiesnow.org website] The Partners for Rabies Prevention gathered at Wolfsberg, Switzerland on August 31st - September 1st, 2017 for their tenth annual meeting. The group comprised over 40 representatives from 27 organizations, reflecting a diverse range of stakeholders in rabies control, including International organizations, rabies experts, academics, vaccine manufacturers and Non-Governmental Organizations. Together, they endorsed the global goal of Zero human deaths from dog-transmitted rabies by 2030, and evaluated the progress, particularly related to health economics and universal capacity building tools developed in recent years. (Read more…)
♦ 22 August 2017 ♦
Organisation of the veterinary laboratory diagnostic in Slovenia: National veterinary institute (NVI) is special Organization unit of Veterinary faculty at the University of Ljubljana. It operates as public institution of national interest. National reference laboratory for rabies is part of Unit for virology within NVI. The Unit for virology is located in specialized facilities for laboratory investigation of viral diseases. NVI performs the activities determined by the law on the veterinary service, on the basis of the concession contract signed between Slovene Veterinary Administration and NVI. Special systemization of NVI is approved by Veterinary Administration. NVI is only EU authorized laboratory for testing of blood samples in the frame of pets since 2005.
Activities and services: - Monitoring of literature, legislations and development of rabies diagnostics and coordination of the diagnostic methods. - Processing of diagnostic samples. - Rabies diagnosis and antibody testing in wildlife and domestic animals. - Participation in the preparation of programs for oral vaccination of foxes against rabies. - Monitoring of the success of oral vaccination of foxes. - Characterization and genotyping of the rabies virus isolates. - Cooperation with veterinary authorities. - Research activity in the field of rabies. - Collaboration with EURL for rabies and other UR reference centers.
Diagnostic capabilities: - Fluorescent antibody test (FAT). - Rabies tissue culture isolation test (RTCIT). - Rabies virus in vaccine baits titration. - OTC determination. - Ages of foxes determination. - One step RT-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) specific for different Lyssavirus species. - One-step real-time RT-PCR (RTq-PCR). - Sanger nucleotide sequencing. - Next generation sequencing: Ion Torrent technology. Full article and graphs on the NRL presentation section.
EFSA has launched an open consultation on its draft scientific opinion on Listeria monocytogenes contamination of ready-to-eat (RTE) foods and the risk for human health in the EU. This document summarises and critically evaluates the most recent information on L. monocytogenes in RTE foods, and evaluates the factors related to the contamination in the food chain and the consumption patterns that may contribute to the reported trend of listeriosis incidence in the EU.
Public consultation page
draft scientific opinion on Listeria monocytogenes contamination of ready-to-eat foods and the risk for human health in the EU
EFSA reports linked to this draft opinion:
Closing gaps for performing a risk assessment on Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat (RTE) foods:
activity 1, an extensive literature search and study selection with data extraction on L. monocytogenes in a wide range of RTE food
activity 2, a quantitative risk characterization on L. monocytogenes in RTE foods; starting from the retail stage
activity 3, the comparison of isolates from different compartments along the food chain, and from humans using whole genome sequencing (WGS) analysis
♦ 13-14 June 2017 ♦
The beautiful city of Budapest welcomed the participants of the annual meeting organized by the EURL for rabies on 13 and 14 June. This meeting is mainly dedicated to the National Reference Laboratories of the European Union, but a total of 81 scientists from Europe but also from all over the world met for two half days of very constructive exchanges on various rabies topic. Additionally to the usual participation of rabies laboratories, the European Commission delegated two representatives with thorough knowledge of rabies in Europe. The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) was also present, along with an FAO delegate and many officials from the National Food Chain Safety Office of Hungary (NEBIH). The scientific program covered a range of subjects divided into 3 sessions: Rabies updates and news, Laboratory Techniques for Rabies Diagnosis, and Techniques for Control of Oral Vaccination. Next workshop for rabies is planned for June 2018 in Brussels. Presentations can be found on the EURL website (private members only).
♦ 30 July 2017 ♦
The results sent by the laboratories for each tested techniques are currently under analysis and the report will be release as usual at the end of the summer. A total of 48 laboratories participated this year to the test: 48 performed FAT, 30 RTCIT and 31 the conventional RT-PCR technique. As explained and discussed during 9th workshop for rabies, this year, for technical reasons, the Real Time RT-PCR technique will not be evaluated. From next year, the format of the inter laboratory test for rabies diagnosis will change in order to better follow the laboratories real work and needs.
♦ 26 July 2017 ♦
The annual online activity questionnaire was submitted to all National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) early 2017 to collect and collate data on methods used and results of tests carried out in the Community in the frame of rabies control programmes (Commission regulations (EU) N° 737/2008 and N°415/2013). The report is available in the EURL for rabies website for private members only.