EURL staphylococci

Background type: 
Display Name: 
Coagulase Positive Staphylococci
Methods Background: 
Materiau Background: 

PT trials dedicated to SE detection


preliminary report




satisfaction enquiry outcome

[EURL CPS] Circular E-mail N°2014/10 - Training session on confirmatory ELISA

Dear Colleagues,


As announced during the last workshop of the NRLs for Coagulase Positive Staphylococci (Maisons-Alfort, 04-06 June 2014), we are organising a training session on the confirmatory ELISA method (quantitative) for the identification and quantification of staphylococcal enterotoxins (types SEA to SEE) in food matrices.


This quantitative ELISA method will be also used in the aim of the certification of the future certified reference material (CRM) which will be organized by the IRMM-JRC.



[EURL CPS] Circular E-mail N°2014/09 - Training session on ESM

Dear Colleagues,


As announced during the last workshop of the NRLs for Coagulase Positive Staphylococci (Maisons-Alfort, 04-06 June 2014), we are organising a training session on the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins (types SEA to SEE) according to the ESM v5 (Extraction by dialysis-concentration and detection using at least Vidas SET2 or Ridascreen SET Total kits).



Circular E-mail N°2014/08 - Version 2 of the report of the 2013 Proficiency Testing trial on the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins

Dear Colleagues,


Further to the dispatch of the report, it has been amended by the following modifications :

-          the list of the laboratories which have not participated to the trial being added,

-          the Austrian laboratory added in annex.


The report is now available on our website:


With best regards




Training course - Registration form - confirmatory ELISA method for the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins

As announced during the last workshop of the NRLs for Coagulase Positive Staphylococci (Maisons-Alfort, 04-06 June 2014), we are organizing a training session on the confirmatory ELISA method (quantitative) for the identification and quantification of staphylococcal enterotoxins (types SEA to SEE) in food matrices.

This quantitative ELISA method will be also used in the aim of the certification of the future certified reference material (CRM) which will be organized by the IRMM-JRC.


Training course - Registration form - EN ISO 19020


Call for participation to the 2013 PT trial on CPS enumeration

Dear Colleagues,

Please find enclosed:

-          Circular letter 2013/09

-          Accompanying document

Related to the 2013 PT trial on CPS enumeration.

With best regards,


