European Union Reference Laboratory for
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♦ 27-28 May 2015 ♦
The rabies EURL annual meeting gathered a total of 52 people. Many thanks and all our gratitude to our colleagues from the Croatian Veterinary Institute and to the Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate who made this event possible and successful. We also would like to warmly thank the European Commission and TAIEX for their support for travel and accommodation, as well as all the attendants and speakers for their contribution in this annual date. A Croatian veterinary newspaper article dedicated to this workshop is available here. This meeting gave the opportunity of many exchanges between attendants. As usual, a booklet with the abstracts of the talks was provided to every participant. All presentations will be soon on line in the restricted access part of the website. A photo souvenir is available here. Attendants eligible for the EC financial support have to send their original documents before 12 June.