Frozen corn is the likely source of an outbreak of Listeria monocytogeneswhich has affected five EU Member States (Austria, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) since 2015. This is the conclusion of a rapid outbreak assessment published today by EFSA and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). As of 8 March 2018, 32 cases including six deaths had been reported.
The European Union summary report on trends and sources of zoonoses, zoonotic agents and food-borne outbreaks in 2016 was published on 12 December 2017.
Here is the paragraphe on Listeria of the annoucement page entitled "Salmonella cases no longer falling in the EU"
Listeria infections, which are generally more severe, led to hospitalisation in 97% of reported cases. In 2016, listeriosis continued to rise, with 2,536 cases (a 9.3% increase) and 247 deaths reported. Most...
EFSA has organised a meeting with its stakeholders to gather feedback on the draft scientific opinion “Listeria monocytogenes contamination of ready-to-eat (RTE) foods and the risk for human health in the EU”.
Speakers’ presentations had covered:
The potential health effects associated with L. monocytogenes and the relation between doses and illness in different risk groups;
The exposure to L. monocytogenes by consumption of RTE...
EFSA has launched an open consultation on its draft scientific opinion on Listeria monocytogenes contamination of ready-to-eat (RTE) foods and the risk for human health in the EU. This document summarises and critically evaluates the most recent information on L. monocytogenes in RTE foods, and evaluates the factors related to the contamination in the food chain and the consumption patterns that may contribute to the reported trend of listeriosis incidence in the EU...
Euroreference is about reference activities dedicated to animal health, plant health and food and water safety. Now 16 other european organisations are co-edtiting it. link to read it
European experts have noted an increasing trend of listeriosis since 2008, but they highlight that the number of affected people stabilised from 2014 to 2015. Infections were mostly reported in people over 64 years of age. These are some of the findings of the latest annual report by EFSA and ECDC on zoonotic diseases, which also includes the latest trends on salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis, and foodborne outbreaks in the European Union (published 16 December 2016). See the article published...
The Euroreference magazine is now available in a new formula, produced jointly by a group of agencies from several Member States of the European Union. Euroreference is a European journal created by ANSES in 2009. It deals specifically with reference activities in the areas of animal health, plant health, and food and drinking water safety. Its new formula is based on an editorial committee of 15 European partners, making the new Euroreference a collective publication devoted to better...
Human cases of listeriosis and campylobacteriosis rose once again in 2014, continuing an upward trend that began in 2008. Salmonellosis cases increased slightly for the first time since 2008. These are the main findings of the latest annual report by EFSA and ECDC on zoonoses and foodborne outbreaks in the European Union.
Source EFSA