The EURL team is gathering data from National Reference Laboratories around the European Union. This is part of the process which allows the laboratory to accomplish one of
its duties : Coordinating the methods employed in the Member States for diagnosing rabies by collecting and collating data and information on the methods of diagnosis used and the results of tests carried out in the European Union. Every year, an online survey is indeed sent to all NRL's so they can share information and give accurate reports about the status of rabies testing in their respective countries for the past year. Through this survey, information such as number of cases per country, techniques used for passive surveillance as well as vaccination monitoring and related results are shared by the laboratories. Data collection will end on 15th April 2022.
This work is essential, as it allows the EURL to ensure a continuous monitoring of rabies test results carried out into the community and to share the generated data within the network. The EURL Team would like to thank all participants for their contribution to this year's review , as well as previous ones.
The MiteControl project will be running a Livestream from 14:00 to 16:45 on 16 March 2022. This event is to host a series of demonstrations on practical red mite monitoring methods, best practices for cleaning during poultry houses during the empty period, and non-chemical methods trialed as part of the project for controlling red mite. The demonstrations will be livestreamed from the Experimental Poultry Centre in Belgium which will allow for these to be demonstrated in-situ within a laying hen house environment. There will be opportunities for questions and answers at the end of the session. The event will be focused on the practicalities of these topics and so will be very relevant for farmers, farm advisors, and veterinarians interested in red mite control.
If you are interested in attending, join this link on 16 March 2022 from 14:00:
Florian Dubocq et Yassine Makni nous ont présenté l'utilisation de GNPS et les réseaux moléculaires via MSDial.
Ils ont employé ces outils pour leurs projets respectifs et ont illustré la pertinence de tels outils.
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At the beginning of this year, the Centre is celebrating the publication of its first scientific paper as a result of the work carried out in Activity 3 in 2020. This study assessed the impacts of elevated platforms and straw bales on the welfare of fast-growing broilers reared at two different stocking densities.
This article named "Positive Effects of Elevated Platforms and Straw Bales on the Welfare of Fast-Growing Broiler Chickens Reared at Two Different Stocking Densities" is available here.
Julien Parinet a soutenu son HDR intitulée: La spectrométrie de masse haute résolution au service de l'étude de l'exposome et de la surveillance des aliments, ce vendredi 18 février.
Bienvenue a Francisca Areskoug au sein de notre équipe AlimOmic.
Francisca, qui vient de Suède dans le cadre d'une collaboration avec le Pr. Thanh Wang de l'Université d'Orebro, sera avec nous jusqu'à fin juin et elle travaillera sur l'extraction Quechers et l'analyse de contaminants alimentaires dans une logique d'exposome par LC et GC-HRMS.
Le Professeur Serge Rudaz de l’Université de Genève dirige le groupe de recherche en analyses biomédicales et métabolomiques au sein de l’école des sciences pharmaceutiques. Ses activités de recherche portent principalement sur :
Les techniques de séparation (HPLC et CE) couplées à la spectrométrie de masse pour l’analyse des pharmaceutiques et détection de contrefaçons
La chimiométrie (plans d’expériences, analyses multivariées)
Métabolomique, études cliniques et analyses toxicologiques
Il a publié à ce jour plus de 340 articles scientifiques (H index = 57) et a participé à la rédaction de plus de 25 ouvrages
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