
Free access documents

1 Report of the EURLs’ representatives on the 33rd meeting of ISO/TC34/SC9 and the 21st meeting of CEN/TC275/WG6 23 – 28 June 2014, Washington DC, USA

Report of the representatives of the EURL Salmonella (Kirsten Mooijman), EURLs Listeria monocytogenes (Nathalie Gnanou-Besse and Bertrand Lombard), Milk and Staphylococci (Bertrand Lombard), EURL Campylobacter (Ingrid Hansson), EURL on bivalve molluscs (Rachel Hartnell, CEN/TC275/WG6 only), EURL on Escherichia coli (Stefano Morabito and Rosangela Tozzoli, CEN/TC275/WG6 only) and EURL Parasites (Patrizia Rossi, ISO/TC34/SC9 only).
