
Circular letters

[EURL MMP] Enquiry on analytical methods used by NRLs for somatic cell counts

Dear colleagues,

We have good news to announce to you: recently, the Institute of Reference Materials & Measurements (IRMM) of EC/Joint Research Centre, Geel (BE) has decided to launch the project of certification of reference materials for somatic cell count (SCC) in milk, in collaboration with EURL MMP and ISO/IDF/ICAR.


Report of the 2014 Workshop of EURL/NRLs for Listeria monocytogenes

Dear Colleagues,


Please find enclosed the report of the 2014 Workshop of EURL/network of NRLs for Listeria monocytogenes, which was held on 10 & 11 April in Teramo, Italy.


With best regards,




Dr Bertrand LOMBARD
Head of team "coordination of reference activities", manager of European Union-Reference Laboratories Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococci and Milk


[EURL MMP] Circular E-mail N°2014/03 - Reorganisation of the ANSES-Laboratory for Food Safety

Dear Colleagues,


Please find enclosed :

  • circular letter 2014/03 entitled “Reorganisation of the ANSES-Laboratory for Food Safety”,
  • the presentation of the reorganisation (LSAl-EURL MMP_reorganisation 2014.pdf),
  • the organisation chart of the Laboratory (LSAl MA BsM - Organisation chart EN.pdf),
  • the organisation chart of the EURL for milk and milk products (EURL MMP_organisation chart_20140523.pdf).

With best regards

EURL MMP Deputy manager


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